4 Key Benefits of Short Term Property Management Services in Boulder, CO

4 Key Benefits of Short Term Property Management Services in Boulder, CO

Colorado met a record high of $27.7 billion in travel spending and 90 million visitors. Tourism increased by 6.5% year-over-year. As more people visit the area, you have a chance to generate more bookings!

You don't have to manage your short-term rental in Boulder alone, though. Instead, rely on short-term property management.

On the fence? Read on to discover four benefits of relying on vacation rental management today!

1. More Bookings

You won't generate income if travelers can't find your Boulder vacation rental online. Your property manager can develop a short-term leasing advertising strategy. They'll direct more people to your online listing with:

  • Social media marketing
  • Search engine optimization
  • Content creation
  • Referral marketing
  • Email marketing

They can update your vacation rental to make it more enticing to travelers. For example, they can add new amenities. Many travelers search for properties based on the amenities offered alone.

These updates will help your property stand out online. More people will explore the listing before booking a stay.

An experienced property manager can improve your pricing strategy. They'll use dynamic pricing tools to adjust prices based on demand and seasonality. This will ensure you generate bookings year-round.

Your property manager can encourage bookings by offering guests five-star experiences. Guests will rave about their stay online. Over 90% of people check reviews to determine a business' quality.

Generating positive reviews will encourage more people to book stays. Businesses with over 25 current reviews earn 108% more revenue than the average!

2. Efficient Guest Screening

You don't want just anyone staying in your Boulder vacation property. Your property manager will develop a guest screening strategy. They already know how to spot guests who may:

  • Pay late (or not at all)
  • Ignore your rules
  • Bother neighbors
  • Cause property damage

This service can help you avoid stressful situations. It will also protect your property from potential damage.

3. Property Upkeep

Your beautiful vacation property will fall apart if you're not scheduling routine inspections. Your property manager will ensure the property is in the best possible shape. Their property maintenance solutions can help you avoid future expenses.

They'll hire Boulder contractors after gathering competitive bids to help you save money. They'll also track the progress of each project to ensure there aren't delays. The sooner these projects get completed, the sooner you can book more guests.

4. Increased Earning Potential

The most experienced property managers come equipped with rental income strategies. They can review your current business model and offer property management tips. Their recommendations can help you discover ways to save money.

With their services, you can operate more efficiently to maximize your earning potential!

Choose Short-Term Property Management

Don't continue managing your Boulder vacation property alone. Instead, rely on professional short-term property management. Working with an experienced team can ensure your long-term profitability.

Our team at PMI Flatirons Group is part of a fast-growing dynamic property management franchise. We've been changing the industry for nearly 20 years.

Trust our expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and proven strategies to maximize your profitability. Contact us now for a free rental analysis!
